我们提供噪音影响评估,以支援住宅及工业建筑项目的规划申请. With increased public awareness of 噪音 pollution and its negative effect on the population, calculating the impact of 噪音 has become a major stepping stone in any new development.  

im体育APP的专业噪音和振动服务范围从桌面范围和筛选研究到规划, 环境 Impact Assessment, environmental permitting support, and compliance assessments.


Noise impact assessment services

  • Noise 和振动 assessments to support planning applications
  • 环境 Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • Assessments of industrial 噪音 in accordance with BS 4142:2014+A1:2019
  • Detailed 噪音 modelling using CadnaA software
  • Noise survey audits and consulting to international standards
  • Noise 和振动 detailing in building design
  • Planning advice and consultation with Local Authorities to develop 噪音 mitigation schemes
  • 建设 and demolition assessments
  • Architectural acoustic design services
  • Road traffic, rail and aviation 噪音 impact assessments
  • Assistance with discharge of conditions relating to planning permissions




我们利用最先进的噪声建模软件来生成现有和拟议条件的高精度3D模拟, to determine the environmental impact of 噪音 in a pre-defined location. Our 噪音 modeling software considers meteorological conditions, 当地的地形, and other external factors to provide precise and valuable data for our customers.



Noise 和振动 surveys

im体育APP offers ambient 噪音 和振动 surveys to support impact assessments. 环境噪声测量是按照BS 7445:1991“环境噪声的描述和测量”进行的。.

Our team of acoustic 噪音 testing experts are members of the 声学研究所 (IOA). We provide specialist 噪音 和振动 surveys across all sectors, utilizing industry-leading equipment and technology including 噪音摄影机 and Noise 建模 Software.

Case Study: EIA scoping project for Warringtonfire


The project included acoustic design assistance, 噪音评估, 并通过空气质量分散模型来证明新设施不会对当地环境产生有害影响. 阅读我们的案例研究

Case Study: Noise Impact Assessment for Eden Geothermal

Read how im体育APP carried out a Noise Impact Assessment on the Eden Geothermal construction project.

During the drilling process, im体育APP为开创性的方案提供了详细的技术声学输入,该方案支持世界着名的伊甸园项目生物群落的脱碳供热. 阅读我们的案例研究

Case Study: Noise Impact Assessment for National Highways on M32 Eastville Viaduct


Read our case study authored by Stephen Wigham demonstrating im体育APP’s industry-leading capabilities  阅读我们的案例研究

FAQ: The latest insights on 噪音影响评估

We asked our environmental expert Stephen Wigham 回答有关环境噪音评估及环境影响评估的常见问题.

了解我们的独立环境合规专家如何帮助客户了解新开发项目对环境的影响. 阅读我们的常见问题解答



Residential and industrial areas have a legal vibration limit. 建设, 拆迁活动, 铁路, and busy roads provide a significant vibration impact. 在进行任何建造或拆除活动之前,确定对周围地区和建筑物的潜在振动影响至关重要. im体育APP的地面振动测量将为您提供确保您的项目保持在振动限制以下的信息.



im体育APP提供了经验丰富的声学顾问和噪声建模专业知识的独特组合. 我们聘请的专家——声学研究所和特许环境健康研究所的成员——通过详尽的调查,为您的应用需求提供确定性, 评估及建模.

You can trust im体育APP to support you with all your Noise Survey & Assessments, Modelling and Acoustic Consultancy services, im体育APP的专家 今天.

  • 英国标准学会[BS] 7445-1:2003 -环境噪声的描述和测量. Guide to quantities and procedures. BSI、伦敦.
  • British 标准 Institution [BS] EN 61672-1:2003 Electroacoustics. 声级计. 规范. BSI、伦敦.
  • 英国标准学会[BS] 6472-1:2008人体暴露于建筑物振动的评价指南. Part 1: Vibration sources other than blasting, BSI、伦敦.
  • British 标准 Institute [BS] 7385-2:1993 Evaluation and Measurement for vibration in Buildings. Part 2, Guide to damage levels from ground borne vibration. BSI、伦敦.
  • 英国标准学会[BS] 5228-1:2009+A1:2014《im体育官方app下载》.
  • 英国标准协会[BS] 5228-2:2009+A1:2014《im体育APP》.
  • British 标准 Institution [BS] 8233: Sound Insulation and Noise Reduction for Buildings. BSI、伦敦.
  • 英国标准协会[BS] 4142:2014+A1:2019工业和商业声音评级和评估方法, BSI、伦敦.
  • Department of Transport, Welsh Office (1988). Calculation of Road Traffic Noise. HMSO,伦敦.
  • 环境 Protection Act (1990). HMSO,伦敦.
  • The 控制 of Pollution Act (1974). HMSO,伦敦.
  • 环境局(2004年). 综合污染防治[IPPC]第三版噪音横向导则第2部分-噪音评估和
  • 控制. 布里斯托尔环境局.
  • 公路局(2011). Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Volume 11, Section 3, Part 7: Noise and Vibration. 公路局.
  • International Organization for Standardization (1996). 声学。室外传播过程中声音的衰减。第2部分:一般计算方法. ISO、瑞士.
  • International Organization for Standardization (2010). ISO 3744:2010声学-用声压测定噪声源的声功率级和声能级-反射面上基本自由场的工程方法. ISO、瑞士.
  • Ministry of Housing, Communities & 地方政府(2018年). National Planning Policy Framework. OGL,伦敦.


im体育APP if you have any questions about acoustics testing or requirements. 


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